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Critical Thinking Skills for Intermediate Level

Critical thinking skills are essential for effectively analyzing and evaluating information,  solving problems, and making informed decisions. Here are some critical thinking skills  for the intermediate level:  Analysis: Intermediate-level critical thinkers should be able to break down complex ideas  or…

The Importance of Tolerance & Patience

Tolerance and patience are two essential virtues that play a significant role in promoting  understanding, empathy, and harmony among individuals and within society as a whole. Here’s a closer look at the importance of tolerance and patience:  Fostering Understanding: Tolerance…

How to Improve the Thinking Process

Improving the thinking process can be beneficial for problem-solving, decision-making,  creativity, and overall cognitive functioning. Here are some strategies that can help  enhance your thinking abilities:  Practice critical thinking: Critical thinking involves analyzing information objectively,  evaluating evidence, and reasoning logically.…

The Importance of Learning Social Norms

Learning social norms is crucial for effective social interactions and fitting into society. Social  norms are the unwritten rules and expectations that guide our behavior and interactions with  others.   Here are some reasons why learning social norms is important: …